Wissen academy service

Wissen academy is a tutorial geared to homeschooling students. Each of our classes meet once weekly during the school year and weekly lesson plans are assigned. Students can choose from one or multiple classes. Elementary through middle school classes are held on monday. Middle through high school classes are held on mondays and wednesday. We are striving to meet the needs of the homeschool students and have grown beyond what we could have ever imagined! 


Academic:                                                                                                               Non Academic

Homeschooling program:                                                                                    Drawing tutorial
Ujian Nasional Certificates                                                                                  Graphic design tutorial
SD, SMP, SMA                                                                                                         Web design tutorial
International Certificates:                                                                                     Science club
Cambridge CPCI IGCSEI O Level I A Level

More info wa 08811721293/ 088210756021/  or email us milavanitha@gmail.com
facebook : www.facebook.com/wissenacademy

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