Why Wissen academy?

"One of the greatest gifts parents can give their children is an excellent education. For many, homeschooling provides the best solution" #homeschoolingJakarta #homeschoolingBogor 

The primary objective and purpose of A Wissen Academy is to provide an international standard of program for students in kindergarten, elementary, and high school. This innovative program of study gives students an excellent academic education, all the tutors/teachers are experienced teacher who has more than 5 years experience teaching in international school, all the lesson will be delivered in english, students will be given a broader understanding and knowledge in every subject they studied. 
Discover the Difference with A Wissen Academy

  • Master teachers instruct your child at home.

  • Valuable time-saving parent materials.

  • Best curriculum in home education
  • Choice of outstanding academic programs

If you interested in our program and would like to know more, you can always contact our marketing to send you our brochure.

Ms. mila : milavanitha@gmail.com

Ms. daah : daah.oliviera@yahoo.com

call our office 088210756021 


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