Wissen Academy International Homeschooling

Our International home schooling requires tutors who can provide a long-term commitment and a blend of expertise and enthusiasm. By carefully vetting tutors and recommending the person who best fits your requirements, we ensure that your child will be taught by a dynamic, flexible and trustworthy tutor, who you will be happy to welcome into your family.
As with all the tutors we place, the international home schooling tutor will be personally guaranteed. After the introduction, our team will remain in close contact with you to provide extra advice and peace of mind.
Wissen international home schooling open programme for:

*Preschool program         *Kindergarten
*Elementary                    * Secondary school
*O Level IGCSE      
*A/AS Level

We also offer extracurricular activities
-Graphic design           -Art and craft
-Music                        - PE (yoga,taekwondo)

For students who’s enrolling for 2 years package, may choose one of the above activities for 6 month for free.


WA 081316740325

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